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Welcome to Bollhoff Armstrong Limited HELICOIL Manufacturer. Bollhoff Armstrong will once again manufacture and distribute HELICOIL. Bollhoff Armstrong Limited was acquired by Böllhoff Verbindungstechnik GmbH in 2010 and is once again the sole UK manufacturer of the world renowned HELICOIL brand of wire thread inserts. The up-to-date HELICOIL coil thread insert technology. Follow us on YouTube! .
Bollhoff Attexor SA is leader in the clinching sector thanks to a 30 years experience throughout the world. The clinching process is a method of joining sheet metal by localised coldforming of the materials. Coated and painted sheet metals can also be joined together without altering the surface finish. The central component of the.
Oil, gas and chemicals. 10 reasons to choose Böllhoff. RIVNUT B2007 for blind rivet nuts. A battery powertool using electro-hydraulic innovative technology. Selected items from our core range will be despatched within.
Wilhelm Boellhoff Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
Archimedesstr. 1-4
Bielefeld, DE, 33694
MarcanT InterNet-Services GmbH
Marc-Henrik Delker
Ravensberger Str. 10 G
Bielefeld, DE, 33602
Porcas Automotivas e Peças Conformadas à Frio. Componentes e peças moldadas TEPRO. Instalação de porcas rebites e prisioneiros RIVKLE. Instalação de rebite cego RIVQUICK. Insertos roscados para peças metálicas e plástic. Instalação de insertos de alta resistência HELICOIL. Instalação de Buchas roscadas KOBSERT.
Cofres de reparación de tuercas remachables RIVKLE plus. Insertos roscados para plásticos AMTEC. Tuercas de estanqueidad SEAL LOCK. Elementos de fijación de plástico UNITEC. Elementos de fijación para la unión con adhesivos ONSERT. Dispositivos de acoplamiento rápido SNAPLOC. Sistemas de compensación de tolerancias FLEXITOL. Piezas especiales fabricadas por estampación en frío FORMTEC.
Inserti filettati RIVKLE INOX per nautica. Dadi a tenuta stagna SEAL LOCK. Kit riparazione filetti HELICOIL plus. Inserti e bussole per plastica. Inserti filettati in plastica UNITEC. Rivetti in gomma RIVKLE ELASTIC. Assemblaggio automatico per lamiera RIVSET.
Bollhorn Bollhorn GbR ist ein Wohnungs-unternehmen mit Wohnanlagen im Osten von Hamburg.